It’s back! My site is live once again. Updates to the site will focus on toys, games, pictures and activities that will put a smile on your face.
My toys and games column has moved from the print magazine SEVEN to a new online portal from the same publisher. is your new source for my Dad jokes and goofy gadgets, plus all their other good stuff for discerning readers.
If you have a suggestion for something fun or funny to write about, drop me a line at
No mask, no entry. Is that clear enough?
I’ll never understand what’s so hard about putting on a mask for a few minutes. It’s common sense. It’s a requirement now in North Carolina. But this is a conservative place, and there are only 900 people in this town. We try hard to get along. We’re a small general store, and we didn’t want to end up in one of those viral videos with people spitting or screaming about their civil rights. We put a sign outside — an appeal to kindness. “If you wear a mask, it shows how much you care about us.”
We found out how much they cared. It became clear real quick.
This is a great read:
Drive and Listen
Coolest new thing I’ve seen today: Drive and Listen.
Pick a city, then watch a video of driving in that city while you listen to local radio from that city.
It’s strangely relaxing.
The site is here:
“ It has nothing to do with privacy concerns. The idea that contact tracing can be done with an app, and not human health professionals, is just plain dumb.”
Home cooking and baking seem to be making a comeback during this time of pandemic. Restaurants are closed and even home delivery seems risky. Plus, some people are bored. The result - for me at least - is recreational cooking and baking on the weekend and some evenings.
This photo is Karrot’s Cake from the Best of Bridge series. It turned out well - sweet and rich - and we somehow made it last for about 5 days. (Small slices each time.)
Dig out your cookbooks and look for bookmarks and dog-eared pages. The add the ingredients to your grocery list and make a plan for something delicious. Or try an experiment for fun.